
Showing posts from November, 2013

The Longnose Surgeonfish Exotic Saltwater Black Tang

With a jet black oval body , blue pectoral fins and an obvious white spot at the peduncle spines the Longnose Surgeonfish or Black Longnose Tang as others know it, this fascinating saltwater fish has become one praised in the aquarium hobby. A rather expensive fish, black tangs are quiet adaptable to aquarium life. Usually paired in a fish tank with several corals and invertebrates this herbivore will eat anything from dried seaweed to meaty foods. It is however recommended that live macro algae and or freeze dried algae sheets should be offered daily to maintain a healthy and balanced diet. As with all saltwater species, it is recommended to replicate water conditions of natural water. Keeping Ammonia and nitrite levels at an absolute zero, temperature at around 76F to 80F and of course a salinity level of around 1.024 to 1.026 Zebrasoma Rostratum Last recommendation to maintain and upkeep a black Tang is a minimum size tank of around 80gl to 125...

The Powder Blue Surgeonfish Beautiful Reef Species

With an oval shaped body and extremely colorful and bold body markings the Blue Powdered Tang has become the most sought off and wanted fish in the aquarium trade hobby. Being that Acanthurus leucosternon semi-aggresive it is highly recommended that you keep them in a tank of a minimum 125 gallons which will prevent other smaller fish from being eaten. Although blue powdered surgeon fish will eat meaty foods, including other small fishes it is suggested that you offer them plenty of marine based seaweed and algae to better strengthen their immune systems. Do keep in mind that this species of fish is very sensitive and highly recommended only for the most advanced aquarium enthusiasts as caring for a Acanthurus leucosternon can become quiet difficult. As always, beautiful and exotic fishes require special care and  patience, before going out and buying one for yourself make sure to have your tank and water conditions in good conditions. Keep ...